Saturday, December 6, 2014

An update on Dolphin Girl

A new cover will be revealed soon
I haven't said anything about Dolphin Girl for a while, so here is an update. The novel is currently undergoing a second draft run-through. I've been making small changes, re-ordering chapters and scenes to achieve a more chronologically linear story, and generally ironing out typos and clunky grammar.
This has been progressing step-by-step for some time, although not as quickly as I had hoped. The reason for that is due to the demands of my day job, which at times have been daunting. As a consequence there has been little time or energy left some weeks to work through more than a page or two of Dolphin Girl.
The good news is a brighter dawn appears to have arrived and I'm now getting more opportunity to sit down and give the novel the focus and attention it deserves.
As part of the drafting process I’m fleshing out parts of the narrative that were previously on the fringe, but which I now recognise as a worthy part of the overall story arc. Doing so creates its own challenges as scenes are either expanded, or new ones added.
Presently, the second draft process is somewhere just beyond the halfway point, and Dolphin Girl is now likely to appear early in 2015.
A cover has been designed by a professional artist, which will be unveiled in the near future. For the moment my own basic working cover, created many moons ago, remains on show.
Stay tuned for news on Dolphin Girl in the coming months.

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