Neal Butterworth was a remarkable man. He was the editor of the Daily Echo in Bournemouth for 13 years, the first seven years of which I had the privilege of working with him.
A man of tremendous grace, wit, charisma and intelligence, Neal embodied all the finest qualities of journalism. Knowing that Neal was there, in charge, made it an actual pleasure to go to work each day. He had a way of making people feel wanted and appreciated and his good nature was infectious.
He was a leader and mentor of the highest calibre who valued his staff and created a sense of family within the entire newspaper team.
In all my years in the profession I have not known another individual with such genuine charisma, presence, insightful journalistic judgement and passion.
He gave me my break into daily newspapers, only a few months after he took over as editor of the Echo. In the years that followed I marveled at the way he led his team, showing he believed in them and their abilities and in doing so strengthening the bounds of friendship and loyalty.
With Neal there was a time for work and a time for play. At least once a year, and often twice a year, he would treat the staff to some 'downtime' outside the office where all departments were able to mingle, chat and let off steam in a congenial, friendly setting. That small gesture alone made Neal a special type of boss.
In all my time working with Neal, and in the few e-mail exchanges we had in the years after I had moved on from the Echo, I felt a true bond with a remarkable gentlemen. In positive ways I grew as a journalist, and more importantly as a person, from sharing so many years as a work colleague and friend of Neal. I learned much from simply observing him and the way he carried himself through life.
As he told me in the last communication we shared: "I've always been at pains to tell people that you only live once but if you do it right, once is enough."
When Neal died at 55 last month it was far too soon for someone who made the world a better place for so many. For me the great mentor is no longer there to speak to personally, however the magic of his life lives on in the memories and thoughts I hold for one of the finest boss-leader-mentor and friend I will likely come across.
Fond adieus Neal. You lived life right.
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