Friday, September 7, 2012

Good Guy Eddie

"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans" - wrote John Lennon in the song 'Beautiful Boy'. Much truth exists in that little bit of philosophy.
That was brought home to me again this week as I reflected on my workplace friendship with Eddie, our office cleaner.
Over the past seven years he has been a constant presence in my work orbit. Each time we met we'd exchange greetings and small talk as we went about our routines. And on countless Saturday mornings we sat in front of the office TV to watch whatever English Premier league football game was being shown - chatting and commenting on the match as we unwound at the end of the working week.
Those mornings were nothing spectacular, they just seemed one of life's little routines. But now Eddie has finished up at work and that caused me to reflect on our friendship and our Saturdays watching the football. The games were secondary, we'd watch whatever match was being shown. We shared the moment, and the friendship, through weeks and months of autumn, winter and spring.
Sometimes we'd talk about the Azores, where his elderly mother still lives and where I visited last year. I could try out words of Portuguese with Eddie, a fluent speaker.
At times you take things for granted and only see the true value and preciousness of something when it is no longer there. That's how I feel about the long-standing acquaintance I've been fortunate to have had with Eddie.
Those countless Saturday mornings sipping gas station coffee in front of the office TV, watching a game with Eddie, never seemed particularly special at the time. They certainly do now.
Good luck, Good Guy Eddie, in the long years ahead. Thank you for your friendship.

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