Wednesday, August 1, 2012

So, why blog?

So, why blog?
To say a few things about my writing. To say where I am at the moment, and where I'm heading to.
It is four years since I brought out Eating Clouds, a collection of life stories and journalism that had amassed in my life. That was a print-on-demand release.
Next month will see the publication of my non-fiction book on John Lennon, which is being handled by a publishing house, and of which I shall write more in September.
Currently, I'm working on the final chapter of Dolphin Girl. The novel debuted as the anchor to the original edition of Eating Clouds. As rounded as I felt the story was when I finished it, on reflection it needs a final chapter to tie up things and give it a less abrupt conclusion.
Dolphin Girl may become my first foray in the world of e-books. In the past two years there have been a number of notable success stories about writers who have broken with tradition and gone on to achieve wide acclaims and readership as e-book authors. One of the most celebrated being Amanda Hocking. The freedom and leveling of the playing field which e-book publishing offers is exciting and refreshing.
Genre writing seems to be the real forte for the successful e-book authors. That said, I do wonder if Dolphin Girl, with its sprinkled use of Scottish lexicon and its real world setting, can capture a ready audience, for it doesn't fall neatly into any given genre.
Time will provide the answers. For now, if I can drag myself away from checking on the Olympics medal table, I must write and complete the Dolphin Girl tale.

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